Monday, December 21, 2009

I lost a best friend...I need advice?

6 months ago, i lost one of my best friends, and it was my fault. That day i felt really self conscious and insecure and i was depressed, she wanted to know what was wrong and i snapped. I was really mean to her and said hurtful things and throughout the day we kept getting in fights. She didnt do anything wrong, but i was just really troubled at the time that i didnt know how to react. Then i just stopped talking to her, and she stopped talking to me. I was just too proud to apologize at the time. 6 months passed by and she's moved on she has a new best friend and a boyfriend that are as close to her as i used to be, maybe even closer. A lot of people have let her down in the past, so if you walked out of her life its really hard to get back in. I just feel like i need to apologize to her, i miss her, i know things cant ever be the same, but i want to be her friend again and let her know that i still care, and i want to truly apologize for how i was before. I think it would be too awkward though...out of nowhere just apologizing after 6 months of not speaking. How do i tell her? How can i show her that im really sorry? I need advice i dont know what to do.. : ( Serious answers only please.I lost a best friend...I need advice?
First you apologize to her, at least you owe her that much. Then explain to her why you did what you did and the I guess the ball is in her hands after that.

A nice thing someone once did for me was he remembered something I said to him - he said that when he was home home doing some mundane task he was remembered I said this thing and he did it for me.

It made me happy becuz it was just a passing comment but he remembered it like 4 weeks after.I lost a best friend...I need advice?
I know how you feel. The same thing happened to me, only its been about 4 years now, I messed up too. I would say hi if you see her next time you walk past her. That's what I do. Start saying comments like oh, I like your bracelet, where did you get it, and turn it into a conversation. Say you were going through some tough situations at the time and you got stressed out and that you were sorry for what ever you've done.

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